Saturday, December 6, 2008


I have been very lazy lately and haven't posted in a long time, so I thought I would post right now. As you heard from Lindsey I started Volleyball. I love it and I'm so EXCITED when the tournaments start. I LOVE my team AND my coaches. The only thing that's not good about it is I have my practices on Tuesday and Thursday. So since I practice on Tuesday from 5 to 8 I don't get to go to mutual. I hope we can do something to change that soon. My practices are SO kewl because we have like a therapy training thing for an hour. It makes you flexible, makes you able to jump higher, and makes you tired less. Another good thing about it is say your back was killing you, you could tell the trainer and he would give you a whole bunch of stretches that make your back feel WAY better. After the training I have 2 hours of practice, which always seems to go by WAY TOO fast.
Other than that I'm just WAITING for the semester to end for school. We are just finishing up everything and STUDYING for the finals in a WEEK. After the finals I'll be OUT of school and I'll be able to HANG OUT with Lindsey all I WANT and I WONT have my schoolwork to get in the way of that.


ali said...

I am so excited that you made that team! Can I come stretch with you? my back is always sore!