Monday, December 15, 2008


I'm so happy that it finally rained and not just a little sprinkle BIG hard rain drops...

Saturday, December 6, 2008


I have been very lazy lately and haven't posted in a long time, so I thought I would post right now. As you heard from Lindsey I started Volleyball. I love it and I'm so EXCITED when the tournaments start. I LOVE my team AND my coaches. The only thing that's not good about it is I have my practices on Tuesday and Thursday. So since I practice on Tuesday from 5 to 8 I don't get to go to mutual. I hope we can do something to change that soon. My practices are SO kewl because we have like a therapy training thing for an hour. It makes you flexible, makes you able to jump higher, and makes you tired less. Another good thing about it is say your back was killing you, you could tell the trainer and he would give you a whole bunch of stretches that make your back feel WAY better. After the training I have 2 hours of practice, which always seems to go by WAY TOO fast.
Other than that I'm just WAITING for the semester to end for school. We are just finishing up everything and STUDYING for the finals in a WEEK. After the finals I'll be OUT of school and I'll be able to HANG OUT with Lindsey all I WANT and I WONT have my schoolwork to get in the way of that.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Off Track...

I'm off track right now...So I am really bored...not much is going on...softball is about to days are full of T.V...Video Games...Food...and sleep...wishing there was something to do to keep me occupied but I'm not very and babysitting are the highlights of my since Ali has volleyball on Tuesday nights mutual won't be as exciting...But don't get me wrong i LOVE being OFF TRACK!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008


I've counted down ever since I heard Twilight was being made into a movie, and now it is finally out in the movie theatres!! I cant wait to see it! I recomend if you havent read the book.... READ IT... because it is a very good book. I have never read a book so fast in my life and loved it so much!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Just An Update...

A quick update...Life is pretty BORING lately, not much is going on. One week left of school until I'm off track for 6 weeks!!!YEAH!!!Sort of on a break from softball for a few reasons...1. i had a busy last season with all-stars and everything traveling at least an hour every weekend(missing dance festival practices...i don't think i would've made it through without missing a few). 2. It is so expensive to start travel just last month i made CTS(classic team softball) but it is so expensive and i didn't like the coaching style. 3. I spend all day at school when i get home i want to relax i miss relaxing when i get home from school. But i LOVE the game and nothing can stop me from playing it...anyway the actual softball season will start soon and my school might have a team this year they have been having trouble finding a coach...that would be something fun to do........when I'm off track i plan to sleep...relax...enjoy the holiday season with family members coming in for the holidays...

More Volleyball(~:

Hip Hip Hooray... I am SO excited. Last year I was on a viper local club team. A while back ago I tried out for a travel club team, which is MORE expensive (IF ANY ONE HAS ANY IDEAS HOW TO EARN MONEY PLEASE TELL ME) and has a HIGHER SKILL LEVEL than a local team. I made the 15's travel team and I am so excited for this upcoming volleyball season. I have a really good team with a lot of girls I know and a good coach. I cant wait till this season starts!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

What's been happening....

I havent wrote in a long time because im trying to get back into the hang of things. I just ended high school volleyball and we ended the year as league champs. We were 12-1 in our season and it was a very very fun year. I will miss volleyball, and i cant wait till it starts up again next year, but i am looking forward to being able to go home after school and having more free time.

Friday, October 31, 2008

My favorite days of the week... THE WEEKEND!!!

Hooray! The week is finally coming to an end and i have a weekend to look forward to. This week has been so busy....

Volleyball season is almost over.:~(....There is only 2 more games left in the season. So far my team has only lost one game. I am kind of glad the season is coming to an end in some ways. I will be able to go to all my mutual activities and I'll have more time for my schoolwork. And all the politics in highschool sports makes you want to go crazy. I am glad I have club volleyball to fall back onto.

It's just been so hectic this volleyball season.... with all the politics, rude girls, and competition. I have been getting more grumpy because of my lack of sleep and I dont like that. Hopefully thing will start calming down by the end of the season so i can get my life back in order.

Thankfully i have this weekend to rest and get back in the groove of things....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I'm so sick of school! Every day I do the same thing in EVERY SINGLE class. Take notes, do review questions, listen to lectures, take tests. EXCEPT IN MATH THERE IS ALWAYS A FUN TWIST TO LOOK FORWARD TO. GO MATH!!! I KNOW YOU ARE THINKING I'M CRAZY... I'M USED TO IT...But sometimes there are days like this where I get to help out with activities at school like today's the Cross Country fun...Then I come home and rest after my long day, do my homework, eat dinner, and then there is softball (when that is in season.) And don't forget mutual on Tuesday nights. Then if I have spare time its T.V. and VIDEO GAMES. THEN, I go to bed and start all over again! JOY! BUT I guess something good comes out of this in the end... AND its always fun looking forward to when I don't have school!


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Our fun Trunk or Treat night....

OK sooooo... me and Ali went to the Trunk or Treat party at church and we got TONS of candy... so now we can go CRAZY all night. Well anyway here are a few pictures from our FUN night at the party.....

This is Ali's Halloween costume before trunk or treating. She makes a BEAUTIFUL Alice in Wonderland.

This is me at the church with MY Cheshire cat costume.

This is me and Ali being SILLY in The hallway....

Crystal was NICE enough to take this CUTE picture of us.

As you can see we had LOADS of fun. But we DIDN'T win the costume contest... Me and Ali personally think it WAS RIGGED... Now we are going to watch the Cinderella Story.. and STUFF our faces with loads of candy.

Time for Halloween....

For Halloween, me and Lindsey were trying to decide what we should be.... we had some cute ideas like BEING:

  • PREPS- we decided not to be preps because I had NO money and it would cost a LOT.
  • NERDS- I don't know why we decided not to do that.
  • WINNIE THE POOH AND PIGLET- (I would be Winnie The Pooh and Lindsey would be Piglet) we wanted to MAKE our own costumes for that and it would take TOO much creativity to do that... which i DON'T have...
Then i was looking online for dresses (for some reason) and i saw this cute dress and it reminded me of Alice in wonderland... and DING the light bulb went off in my head... i could be Alice in wonderland.....

But the problem was if i was Alice in wonderland what would Lindsey be? We were trying to think of RED HEAD Disney characters.. but they ALL involved dresses, cowboys, and fins (which Lindsey does NOT wear).... so i was thinking some more and we BOTH came up with her being the Cherise cat. Which is in Alice in wonderland.

I will be taking REAL pictures of us tonight at the Trunk-or- Treat party at our church...

Friday, October 24, 2008


Hey... soo me and Lindsey decided to make our own blog today cuz we were just as bored as can be... but enyway... so this is the beginning of our brand new blog, where we will be writing about our teenage years and our adventures.... soooo stay tuned for more!